Romanian Standard


Timber | Romanian Standard

Technical Specifications

A-grade Timber Specifications


Description: Best quality that can be processed in beech logs.
Uniform appearance on all four sides
The resulting parts don’t have knots or red heart
Storage or processing defects or signs of mold or insect holes are not allowed
Utility: A-grade quality timber is used for furniture, windows, doors, trim frames, table tops panels, railings and steps for stairs, parquet floors and interior decoration and handicraft products.

B-grade Timber Specifications


Description: Allows trace of healthy hearts that do not affect the appearance and use of wood
Uniform appearance on three sides
Allows a node on one side of the piece
Storage or processing defects or signs of mold or insect holes are not allowed
Utility: B-grade timber quality is used for furniture, windows, doors, trim frames, panels for table tops, railings and stair treads, parquet flooring and interior decoration and handicraft products.

C-grade Timber Specifications


Description: Admits healthy red hearts but not more than 30% – 40% of the width
Knots under 10 mm diameter are not taken into account and what is accepted over that diameter is one single healthy  node at a length of 2 meters.
All nodes allowed do not pierce the piece and do not affect the durability, stability and machinability of wood.
Storage or processing defects or signs of mold or insect holes are not allowed
Utility: C-grade quality timber can be used for: construction, furniture, doors, windows, handicraft products, toys, parquet floors, steps for stairs and railings


The minimum diameter is measured at the narrow, bark-free end.

When measuring the wood, for each 1 metre, 1 cm of length.

When the 30-39 diameter beech log is measured, 1 cm of bark will be subtracted from the measured value.

When more than 40 cm diameter beech log is measured, 2 cm of bark will be subtracted from the measured value.